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    How Aloe Vera Benefit Fibromyalgia Syndrome


    Aloe Vera for relief of Fibromyalgia


    Fibromyalgia is another one of those nagging disorders that show up as chronic achy muscle pain that has no physical known cause.  It mostly affects the muscles of the lower back, neck and shoulders.  However, other areas

    such as the head and the upper chest may be involved as well.

    Some [...]

    How Does Aloe Vera Benefit Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CFS

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a condition that is becoming more and more common in America.   Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is often misdiagnosed as hypochondriac, all in your head, a psychosomatic illness, or depression because doctors can’t really find any problem that can be immediately defined.

    Symptoms may be, sore muscles and aching joints, [...]