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    How Aloe Vera Benefit Fibromyalgia Syndrome


    best tasting aloe

    Aloe Vera for relief of Fibromyalgia


    Fibromyalgia is another one of those nagging disorders that show up as chronic achy muscle pain that has no physical known cause.  It mostly affects the muscles of the lower back, neck and shoulders.  However, other areas

    such as the head and the upper chest may be involved as well.

    Some explain the pain is like a burning, shooting and stabbing feeling …greater in the morning than the rest of the day.  Fibromyalgia pain and stiffness may be

    accompanied with headaches, skin problems and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

    Others often experience premenstrual syndrome, painful periods, anxiety, palpitations, memory impairment, skin sensitivities, dizziness, dry eyes, dry mouth and impaired coordination …depression is also associated with Fibromyalgia.

    The key feature of Fibromyalgia is the nine pair of spots where the muscles are very tender.

    • Around the vertebra of the neck.
    • At the insertion of the ribs.
    • Around the upper part of the thigh bone.
    • In the middle of the knee joint.
    • The muscles at the base of the skull.
    • The muscles of the neck and upper back.
    • The muscles in the middle of the back.
    • The upper and outer muscles of the buttocks.
    • On the side of the elbow.

    Many suffers of Fibromyalgia Syndrome also find that they have problems sleeping through the night …many have sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome and rapid jerky contractions of muscles known as myoclonus.

    Fibromyalgia Syndrome is more common in women than in men and most often begins in young adults …the symptoms come on slowly and increase in intensity.  Fibromyalgia Syndrome can be brought on by a number of factors, including overexertion, stress, lack of proper exercise, depression, anxiety, lack of sleep and even extreme temperature and humidity.

    The cause of Fibromyalgia Syndrome is usually unpredictable …some cases come and go clearing up on their own, some become chronic while other cases go through different cycles of flare-ups while others have periods of apparent remission.

    The cause of Fibromyalgia Syndrome is still completely unknown.  Some experts point to a weakened immune system while others believe the disorder has a disturbance in brain chemistry because many people who develop Fibromyalgia Syndrome also have a history of clinical depression.

    Still others propose that the causes include the infection with the Epstein Barr virus (EBV), the same virus that causes mononucleosis.

    And yet others associate Fibromyalgia Syndrome with the yeast like fungus, Candida Albicans.

    This is where properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera enters the arena …Aloe Vera is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory …and in test after test and study after study …a properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera formula kill Candida Albicans dead in its tracks …100% effective …for the added benefit …investigate our ProEnzyme and Complex  50 Plus for an effective combination and solution.

    How Does Aloe Vera Benefit Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CFS

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CFS

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a condition that is becoming more and more common in America.   Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is often misdiagnosed as hypochondriac, all in your head, a psychosomatic illness, or depression because doctors can’t really find any problem that can be immediately defined.

    Symptoms may be, sore muscles and aching joints, problems concentrating, anxiety, depression, headaches, fever, irritability, loss of appetite, sore throat, swollen glands and most of the time exhausting fatigue.

    Some of the experts have the belief that CFS is somehow linked to the infection of Epstein Barr virus which is a member of the herpes virus …this is where a properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera product has shown positive promise with this condition …check out some of the stories at our website www/

    We have worked with this condition for the past 20 years and have been very fortunate to have helped many sufferers work through this problem by following our proven method …with our properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera formula.

    The therapeutic benefits of drinking Aloe Vera on a consistent daily bases is well documented and the studies show that when stabilized organic Aloe Vera is taken every day have successfully treated such conditions as …headaches, insomnia, Epstein Barr Virus, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, heart conditions, stress, anxiety, depression, anger, rage and everything associated with indigestion.

    Another infection that may contribute to CFS by some experts is the fact that where you have CFS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome …you will always find an overgrowth of Candida Albicans.

    Candida Albicans is a yeast like fungus that is found everywhere.  It’s in the water we drink, the air we breathe and the food we eat.  It’s everywhere, and is one of the most often digestive problems we have to deal with …however; it has been shown that stabilized organic Aloe Vera kills the Candida Albicans dead in its tracks.

    As stated earlier, the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is not well understood and the experts believe it can’t be completely cured …however, hundreds of sufferers who have recovered think that they can take charge of the condition by following a proven diet plan with supplements known to help control this condition.

    Getting this (CFS) under control is a constant battle and eating a well-balanced diet will benefit most.  Eat as much raw food as possible.

    Add to your diet some form of probiotic blend to your regiment of supplements.  The Healthy Systems brand known as ProEnzyme will give you the probiotics needed and also support your digestive system with Vitamins A, C, E, and fiberzyme for a healthier gut.

    Drink plenty of clean fresh filtered water with 2 to 4 ounces of properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera every day.

    How Does Aloe Vera Heal Wounds?

    aloe vera juice

    The Healing Plant

    If one was to ask the question … “how does a properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera work its magic?” …first of all, everyone interviewed, who knows anything about Aloe Vera …knows of its bactericidal effect to a number of species of bacteria including the common strep and staph infections …with its healing effect on burns from the common sunburn to the more severe 3rd and 4th degree skin burns.

    Most who know about Aloe Vera are aware of its viracidal effect on the different Herpes family …Herpes simplex and Herpes zoster …and of course the common yeast infections caused by the so called villain, Candida Albicans.

    As with many of these conditions come the infections that tend to come along with them if not cared for properly. When not properly cared for, these conditions very rapidly get out of hand and spread at a rapid rate before the problem is even recognized as being a problem.

    By then it’s noticed as some sort of pain, irritation, inflammation, swelling, hot, redness and by this time …the condition shows up as an open wound.

    Now the condition has spread to a noticeable trauma and the body alerts its natural defense system to come to its aid and rid the body of the trauma and engage the healing process of the wound.

    For the wound to heal …it has to go through the stages of healing.  The three stages of healing listed by the experts are …the acute stage …the chronic stage and the repair stage.  All wounds go through these stages in this order unless bacteria cause an additional infection which is what must be prevented as much as possible if the wound is to heal within the normal healing time.

    • The acute stage …the wound needs immediate help
    • The chronic stage …the wounds normal healing process
    • The repair stage …when the healing and repair takes place.

    The body has its own built in tremendous healing process to heal itself and knows exactly what to do without any outside help …most of the time!!

    The healing system has built in control mechanism to control the wound healing ….if it heals to slow, the wound is open for bacteria to enter and slow the healing process.  If it heals to fast …the wound becomes unstable and increases the formation of scab and scar tissue.  That’s why the healing process has to be in balance.  This necessary balancing out has to be just right for the wound healing process to function properly.

    When the balancing act needs additional help in the healing process …certain healing agents are introduced to heal the infected wound and to relieve pain and inflammation.  However, some of these agents impair the wound healing process during the repair process.

    Several of these agents are better known as OTC’s …ibuprofen, indomethacin, aspirin and even cortisone …some even retard the healing process and a better alternative to these agents …would be Vitamin E and A for their known tissue healing and building abilities.


    This is when a properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera can come into play.  In test after test and study after study, the Aloe Vera treatments all respond well with the treatments to wound healing and under normal conditions out shines the other treatments when used in wound healing treatments.

    Properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera’s broad spectrum healing potential is not only used in wound healing …it is also effective against every imaginable disease that seems to group together …all of them…

    • Bacteria
    • Viruses
    • Fungi
    • Protozoans

    …are all effectively killed off simply by applying the stabilized organic Aloe Vera treatment.

    Healthy Systems recommendations …give the Aloe Vera a chance to work its magic …Aloe Vera the “Miracle Plant!”

    For the “Best Tasting Aloe” …Aloe Pure 5000 Continue reading How Does Aloe Vera Heal Wounds?

    Aloe Vera and the Skin

    Healthy skin and a properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera go hand in hand.  The cosmetic industry and healthy skin have two potential problems that need to be discussed …acne or skin problems and sensitive skin.

    But first, a little information about the industry …the cosmetic industry which is the second largest industry …second only to the food industry that grosses billions of dollars every year and touches the lives of everyone involved, either in a positive or negative way and continues to grow larger and larger.

    The cosmetic industry manufactures products ranging from makeup, personal care to lipsticks, rouges (blushes), masques to hair dyes …all of which are targeted toward women.

    Aloe Vera Cosmetics

    Second only to the food industry!


    Most of these cosmetic companies are chasing the quick fix when it comes to skin care products …or we could say …the cover up concept …or just to get that quick fix, to look good tonight.  Don’t go for that  pitch, there’s no such thing as magic solution for that once youthful appearance.

    You will find that most cosmetic companies target the female population when it comes to marketing skin care products.  About 90% of all advertising point to women when promoting skin care products.

    When shopping for cosmetics always read the ingredient label …because the ingredients listed first are the ingredients that makes up the bulk of the product and should be your guide for finding the product that will work best for you.  Most of the cheaper lines list water as the first ingredient …yes water will add moisture to the skin but will do little to regenerate the skin. 

    We recommend skincare products that contain properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera as the main ingredient because of its natural ability of building or rebuilding healthy skin.  A good therapeutic Aloe Vera skincare product can help repair skin damaged with Acne Vulgaris in a time period of about six to eight weeks when used as directed.

    Many skin conditions …even psoriasis, an inflammatory skin disease that affect middle age and seniors with skin blemishes have been successfully treated with products using properly stabilized organic aloe vera as the main ingredient.

    You’ll find that a properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera product will work wonders as the treatment of choice:

    • ·        It helps improve the color of the skin
    • ·        It helps smooth the skin
    • ·        It helps improve elasticity
    • ·        It helps retain moisture of the skin
    • ·        It helps eliminate and hide fine lines.
    • ·        It helps decrease the amount of oil in the skin.

    You can be rest assured that when using a properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera product …the worry of contamination is eliminated because it is naturally anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory.  No need to be concerned with contamination to open blemishes.

    Granted using properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera will have to do with the price over water based products but the investment will be worth it for those who want and need a therapeutic top of the line skin products …know your supplier!




    Aloe Vera Landmarks and Breakthroughs

    Most everyone who uses a properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera knows that the Aloe Vera plant has been around for thousands of years and has a history of its healing powers.

    Aloe Vera Health

    Let me begin, Aloe Vera is a Miracle Plant!

    Thanks to the work of many dedicated researchers; Aloe Vera has made some substantial breakthroughs in the health field. Over the years Aloe Vera has become a household name proving its healing capacity over and over with no end in sight.

    Undoubtedly, when Aloe Vera is properly stabilized, it has without a doubt proven itself to be the most broad spectrum anti-bacterial product ever tested …with positive results and the science to back it up.

    Remember, when someone starts telling you how wonderful their Aloe Vera product is …always ask to see the science.  If you’ve been around the health and wellness industry for any length of time, you’ll notice that some products come and go …and some companies come and go.  One year they are a shining star, the next year they’re gone …you can’t even find them in the phone book.  Yet Aloe Vera has been around for over 5000 years and has the data to back up its science, tests and studies.

    Not only has Aloe Vera been around and stood the test of time, we now find that properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera and its uses are growing more rapidly in all the top of the line products …whether it’s for external use in personal care and skin products or with internal uses for digestive problems.

    Using a reputable properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera product for allergies, abrasions, asthma, acne and acid indigestion …to name a few …have all been reported as being successfully treated with positive results.  Research groups have successfully treated colitis, ulcerative colitis and other digestive conditions with a properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera product.

    Another group of doctors have had the same success with clinical treatments for AIDS patients using properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera …with high levels of improvement.

    Properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera has also shown remarkable improvements in normalizing glucose levels in diabetics.

    Properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera has historically been used to treat humans as well as our animal friends with a list of medical conditions from A to Z.  With 100’s of landmarks and breakthroughs in the last 50 years …this miracle healing plant has a remarkable future as a superb healing agent within the complicated health and wellness industry.  Unlike most drugs, properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera is extremely safe to use both externally as well as internally.

    Properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera works because the plant produces at least six antiseptic agents: lupeal, saticylic acid, urea nitrogen, cinnamic acid, phenol and sulphur.  This in part explains why properly stabilized organic aloe Vera has shown and will continue to show the ability to improve and eliminate many internal and external infections.

    As always drink plenty of clean, fresh filtered water with 2-4 ounces of the “best tasting aloe vera” every day …know your supplier.

    Why use Aloe Vera

    Aloe Vera Juice Drink


    When you talk to people about the Aloe Vera plant, most have heard of it as the burn plant and its treatment for skin problems.

    However, a lot of the people have never heard of the therapeutic effect the Aloe Vera plant has when taken as an internal healing agent.   When taken internally, Aloe Vera has without a doubt, produced some of the most remarkable results that …to those who experience it …say it seems almost unbelievable.

    Aloe Vera is now used in many of the high and personal case products on the market, as well as hair products and is found in most of the finer cosmetics.  Aloe Vera is now in the formula of a properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera, being used in what is now becoming known as prescriptive skin care.

    Internally, properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera has been successfully used against chronic infections of all kinds …including skin cancer, arthritis and even in the treatment of the aids virus.

    Stabilized organic Aloe Vera used by many of the experts have documented this natural healer on record as the treatment of choice for many of the challenging internal conditions listed as the common heart burn, hiatal hernia, ulcers, ulcerative colitis, spastic colon and Crohn’s disease.  It’s good to know that when Aloe Vera is taken internally, it helps support the immune system.

    Not only has this natural healing plant been used topically and internally for many of today’s diseases and syndromes …the Aloe Vera, when stabilized, deals with many of the pathological personality manifestations such as lowered self esteem, withdrawal, anger, loss of energy, loss of appetite sleep disturbance, anxiety and depression …these conditions are termed personality disorders when dealing with behavioral problems associated with alcohol and drug abuse.

    When dealing with the control group that didn’t receive the stabilized organic Aloe Vera as did the other group.  The group that took the Aloe Vera showed a remarkably success rate and higher predictability then the controlled group who didn’t receive the stabilized organic Aloe Vera treatment.

    So the question is always asked …why should I use Aloe Vera …in all the studies made of this remarkable plant known as Aloe Vera, all of the research scientist have been amazed in the immense verity of elements and nutrients present in the Aloe Vera plant.

    If you are to understand why we should use stabilized organic Aloe Vera.  It is only through the understanding of its sublime chemistry that we can understand the question.

    Just for starters, this amazing healing plant holds within its delicate chemistry, all of these elements …

    1.      Legnin

    2.      Saponinc

    3.      Anthraquinones

    4.      Minerals

    5.      Vitamins

    6.      Monosaccharides

    7.      Polysaccharides

    8.      All of the Amino Acids

    9.      Enzymes

    10.  Proteolytic enzymes

    Not only does all of these important elements each in their own feed every cell in the body, when they all work together in the Aloe Vera complex known as synergism …when the whole of any entity is greater than the sum of its parts …is when all the elements work together to work their magic.

    Plus a properly stabilized organic Aloe Vera always taste great …for the “best tasting aloe vera drink” …know your supplier.